- A Journey through my self - Sumayya Hassan
- Morning Blues - Vaishali Prasad
- The Quest - Darsana Vijay
- Feminine Vine - Rakhi S Kumar
- Charmingly awkward - Vamsi Viraj
- Cloud Messenger - Smruthi Bala Kannan
- The love of a nightingale at night - Vanya Rachel
- The Silence of the Night Sky - Urvi Shah
- The man in blue - Vanya Rachel
- Dog is God - Pushkal Shivam
- Plato's Nemesis - Vaishali Prasad
- Colours - Soumya Mishra
- Microfinance and its Discontents - by Lamia Karim (A book review) - Soumya Mishra
- Where I come from - Kavya Srinivasan
- Kunjiyamma - Amala Devi
- The Cell - Amala Devi
- The Jungle Dance - Kaushik Viswanath
- No Man's Land - Ardra Manasi
- In Retrospect - Jacob Roshan
- My Sister's Turning Seven Tomorrow - Aloy Buragohain
- The Perfect Husband -Kanishk Bandhopadhyay
- The Last Leaf - Darsana Vijay and Vamsi Viraj
- Broken fan belts and Flat Tires - Basil James
- Cul De Sac - Pranathi Diwakar